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Family: Solanaceae Scientific name: Lycium ferocissimum Description: Plant Form: Upright spiny shrub. Size: Up to 6 m tall. Stem: Woody, rigid, branched, with thorns up to 15 cm long. Leaves: Oval with rounded tip, fleshy, bright green, 10-40 mm long. Flowers: White to purple with 5 petals, 1 cm diameter. Fruit and Seeds: Round berries, green when unripe and red when ripe, 5-10 mm diameter, 20-70 seeds per fruit. Habitat: Dry, sandy woodlands, rangelands, roadsides and waterways. Distinguishing Features: Larger berries and stamens extending outside of the flower compared to the native Australian boxthorn (Lycium australe). Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Environmental, Agricultural Lifeform: Woody/tree