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Family: Iridaceae Scientific name: Moraea flaccida Description: Plant Form: Perennial bulb herb. Size: Up to 60 cm tall. Stem: Stiff, erect, somewhat zig-zaggy and branched towards top. Leaves: Single flat, narrow, ribbed, grass-like leaf 1m long. Flowers: 6 petal-like segments. Orange to salmon pink with yellow star shaped centre. Fruit and Seeds: Green maturing to brown 3-valved capsule up to 5 cm long, opening at top to release numerous small brown seeds. Habitat: Coastal heathland, woodland, grassland, dry forest, wetlands. Distinguishing Features: Has single leaf, compared to Two-leaf cape tulip (Moraea miniata) and Cape tulip (Moraea ochroleuca). Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Environmental, Agricultural Lifeform: Herbaceous
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