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Family: Cucurbitaceae Scientific name: Citrullus lanatus Description: Plant Form: Spreading herb. Size: Low, with sprawling stems up to 3 m long. Stem: Covered with soft hairs, woolly towards tip, with branched tendrils. Leaves: Alternate on stems, oval to heart shaped with deep lobes, often variegated. Flowers: Singular on stalks, yellow, to 4 cm diameter, with 5 petals radiating from base, hairy or woolly. Fruit and Seeds: Green, fleshy melon, mottled with white or light green, smooth, round to slightly oblong. Habitat: Pastures, agricultural areas, floodplains, riverbanks, dry lake beds. Distinguishing Features: Can be confused with Paddy melon (Cucumis myriocarpus) when young, but grows much larger and does not have prickles on the fruit. Weed Status: Other Weed Weed Type: Lifeform: Grassy
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