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Family: Convolvulaceae Scientific name: Cuscuta campestris Description: Plant Form: Leafless mat-forming parasitic vine. Size: Varies substantially based on host species and growth. Stem: Thin, thread-like, bright yellow. Leaves: Scale like on stems. Flowers: White or cream bell-shaped with usually 5 petals. 3-4 mm wide and in clusters. Fruit and Seeds: Globular capsules 3-4 mm wide containing up to 4 brown, yellow or grey seeds. Habitat: Riverbanks, waterways, floodplains, cropping areas. Distinguishing Features: Difficult to distinguish from native dodders (Cuscata species). Can be distinguished from unrelated Laurel dodders (Cassytha species) by having capsules rather than fleshy fruit. Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Environmental, Agricultural Lifeform: Vine/climber
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