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Family: Convolvulaceae Scientific name: Convolvulus arvensis Description: Plant Form: Creeping, sometimes climbing perennial herb. Size: 50 cm to 2 m high. Stem: Slender, narrowly winged and nearly hairless, they form dense mats. Leaves: Alternately arranged, 1.5-6 cm long, variable but often oblong or arrowhead shaped. Flowers: Five fused white to pink petals, in clusters of 2 to 4, only open for one day and close in dull weather. Fruit and Seeds: Hairless capsules, spherical, browning when mature, with 2-4 rough or warty seeds. Habitat: Roadsides, rail lines, neglected urban areas. Distinguishing Features: Larger flowers than native bindweeds, flower does not have bracts like Greater bindweed (Calystegia silvatica). Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Environmental, Agricultural Lifeform: Herbaceous