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Family: Amaryllidaceae Scientific name: Allium triquetrum Description: Plant Form: Small perennial bulb herb. Size: 18-50 cm tall. Stem: Triangular, green, and smooth. Only flowering stems. Leaves: Tuft of fleshy, flat, strap like blades from ground, grass like in appearance. Flowers: Drooping, bell shaped with 6 petals, white with a green line along the middle of each petal, clustered on top of a triangular stem. Fruit and Seeds: In white papery bracts, green capsules in clusters with black oblong seeds. Habitat: Woodland, roadsides, old gardens, parks, riverbanks. Distinguishing Features: Similar to False onionweed (Nothoscordum borbonicum) and Snowdrops (Leucojum aestivum) but has a triangular stem, strong garlic smell, and green lines on the petails. Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Environmental, Common Lifeform: Herbaceous
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